People occasionally eat with their eyes. That’s why frou-frou chefs think that presentation is the key to a person’s stomach. Other’s rely mostly on their taste buds. Then there are the millions of Americans who use their sense of smell when they dig-in to a tasty meal. Don’t want to ruin your appetite, but mucus […]
Smelling in Stereo
Stereo. Back in the ’50’s, people used to listen to their favorite music in monaural, aka mono. Two speakers, same noise came from both. Then a craze began — hearing those tunes as if you were there. One of the very the first artists to take advantage of the new technology was Enoch Light. In […]
Clean Ships and Sinusitis
This is interesting. We just came across it. Here’s the easiest way to remember it. What do unclean ocean freighters and sinusitis have in common? Eggheads have discovered that the same stuff used to clean the poop-deck of a nasty ship can also be used as a way to better deliver medication that is used […]
Balloon Sinuplasty: Unblocking Your Sinuses
Thirty-five million Americans wake-up every morning with their noses on the fritz. It’s not that someone stuffed marbles in their beaks while they slept. They’re afflicted with recurrent or persistent sinusitis. A while back, the way to unblock their nasal passages was to gobble-down antibiotics or steroids. In some cases, doctor’s would have to knock […]
Part 2 – Can Sinusitis Be Life Threatening?
That sniffer of yours has been clogged up for weeks. You’ve been breathing so much through your nose that you have a dry mouth constantly. Finally, it dawns on you that you need to have it checked out by the ENT Center of Austin…. Could be something more serious than simply a stuffed-up nose….Could be […]